35 Years NÖ Hilfswerk – Thanks for all the flowers and let the dolls dance!

Dear Mr. Bottazzi!

We would very much like to thank you for your effort and contribution to the “35 Years NÖ Hilfswerk” jubilee celebration. We are highly pleased that you were able to share your artistic and creative skills to ensure the success of this important event.

An audience of over 2,000 enjoyed the colourful, diversified and memorable festivities. The positive feedback has served as yet another confirmation that your programme was the right choice for us.

We wish you all the best for your future!

With warmest regards,

Mag. Christoph Gleirscher, M.A.

C_Gleirscher_Mme_Fifi Kabarett Mme_Fifi Preisverleihung Taenzer_FIDI Taenzer_Hand_in_Hand