Well Wednes-Talk, Networking Event: September 25th, Guntramsdorf (near Vienna):

The Well-Wednes-Talk, a regular networking event put on by Gekko DatenverarbeitungsgmbH, Volksbank Baden, the law firm of bpv Hgel and Schema Wirtschaftstreuhand, was held on Friday, the 25th of September at JAG-Point. Title: “N(o)tworking” – Success Without Work?. This title drew 200 decision-makers from Vienna and the surrounding area. Mario Bottazzi designed and moderated the event. The evening’s theme was networking, so it was only logical (thought Mario) that the event organisers — who are a network themselves — should share their own inside insights with the audience in the N(o)twork Talkshow. No external key-note speakers necessary; just authentic experiences, from topic to topic, from entrepreneur to entrepreneur.

This also suited the audience, which felt itself very well infotained in a brilliant buffett-to-band evening. Just like a network event is supposed to be!

What did the customer say?
Perfect! Thank you!  Marcus Weixelberger, Gekko DatenverarbeitungsgmbH
Mario Bottazzi’s tip: Check out the photos!